I'm happy to see you here. No matter if you open it because of curiosity or your desire to apply on position. This is your first step and you’re in the beggining of the exciting experience you may have for Unbelievable Russia and yourself.
Being a leader for the entity means a lot. It’s a great honor, because your actions contribute to the whole generetion of AIESECers. The thoughts, intentions and messages you will give them, will be with them for long time. Of course, you will face a challenging enviroment, but it will make you stronger.
Leadership can be different and that’s what makes this experience more diverse and unforgetable. Right now AIESEC in Russia needs diverse leadership like never before. Right now AIESEC in Russia needs you to grow as leader for youth.
1. CV (including numbers and results of your previous experiences);
2. Questionnaire (includes general and functional questions). You need to answer all questions on the first priority and 5 questions (in bold) on the 2nd priority; The strategies should be attach to both priorities.
*10 pages including cover max. You can additionally insert links to strategy and analysis. Don't forget to number all questions.
3. Three endorsement letters (from someone you led, someone who led you, teammate) *with a signature on each endorse;
4. Motivational video (why is important for you to be a leader of AiR, what drives you to be on this position and where do you want to take AiR as MC VP) *max 3 minutes.
5. Biography (a one-page description of who you are. Maximum 1 page).
6. Attach the test results (16 personalities and Belbin Teamroles);
The whole application has to be sent in google folder format
Send it to serafima.sedyakina@aiesec.net, air.elections@aiesec.net, daria.antipenkova@aiesec.net with subject [MCVP Application | Name Surname].
7. Blank Paper Challenge (what will you stand for AIESEC in Russia. Maximum 1 page).
DDL: 27.05 23:59 GMT +3
Applications sent after deadline will not be accepted
1. Represent AIESEC in Russia at International conferences and to all our stakeholders (Government, business, NGO's, media, universities, etc.)
2. Building up mutual benefit relationships between AIESEC in Russia and other entities
1.Setting the national focus areas
2. Set the strategic direction for AIESEC in Russia
3. Developing national plan
4. Developing functional & individual plan for your area
1. Support LCs in planning activities
2. Follow up on LCs performance in different areas
3. LC to MC alignment
4. MC to LC communication
5. LC visits, attend and support in holding big LC events
6. Consultancy for LC's general Issues
1. Strategy development and implementation
2. Commission and Network Management
3. Innovations and optimisation of work
4. Synergy helding
2. Gathering GCPs from other countries
3. Transition guidelines (MC and LC level)
4. Tracking and saving all the files and materials used
5. Managing files and archives of the MC
6. Annual report
1. Take a part in team activities
2. Create team spaces
3. Live it fully!
2. Define with MC team the conference objectives
3. Gather inputs from MC team (especially MC VP TM and MC VP OD) for sessions of the Conference and consulting the LCs on these matters
4. Follow up on the Track managers in coordination the FACI (meetings, session outlines)
2. Support the CC in building the conference 3. The MC link with the CC
4. Coordinate with CC on the logistical needs
5. FACI selection (application process, interview, selection)
6. Tracking of Agenda Manager
7. Choosing with the MC a proper chair for the conference
8. Building up the conference timeline and ensure follow-up
9. Gathering and compiling conference output and ensuring
Developing session outlines and delivering functional content related to a specific department and general AIESEC in Russia trends
Work schedule. From Monday to Friday the official working day starts at 10:00 and ends at 18:00 GMT+3. Be aware that Russia have a lot time zones and many calls with LC's will be possible to held only after 18:00. Saturday and Sunday is official weekends. Be aware that Team activities and conferences may held at the weekends and will require full attendance.
5. Whar is your leadership style and principles? How can you capitalize on them during MCVP term? What are your weaknesses and how you will manage it?