MC 25.26
Hello, dear applicant!

I’m excited to welcome you here. Whether you’re exploring this opportunity out of curiosity or with a clear intention to apply, this is your first step into something truly special for Unbelievable Russia.

Taking on a leadership role within this entity is not just about having a task to complete—it’s a chance to leave your mark. Your energy, ideas, and actions will help make stronger the identity of Unbelievable Russia, creating something meaningful for yourself and for those who come after you. The road won’t always be easy, but every challenge will be an opportunity to grow and show what you’re capable of.

Unbelievable Russia is about more than just leadership. It’s about being a part of something greater, something that inspires generations and making you connected with its unique spirit. Here, you’ll discover what it means to truly feel your why, which will lead you to results. And let those results fuel your passion even further.

Feel it to achieve. Achieve to feel it. This is your chance to embrace what it means to be Unbelievable Russia.

DDL of application
9th of February 23:59 (GMT+3) (Application sent after deadline will not be accepted)
Application should be in English
10th of February (Interview is going to be in English)
Assessment Center
On 11-12th of February
Functional & Personal Interview
13-16th of February (Interview is going to be in Russian for native, In English for externals)
Team Structure
  • MC VP
  • MC VP TM
  • MC VP Finance&Legality
  • MC VP
  • MC VP
  • MC VP oGV
  • MC VP BD
  • MCVP oGT

1. CV (including numbers and results of your previous experiences);

2. Questionnaire (includes general and functional questions). You need to answer all questions on the first priority and second priority. The strategies should be attach to both priorities.

*15 pages including cover max. You can additionally insert links to strategy and analysis. Don't forget to number all questions.

3. Three endorsement letters (from someone you led, someone who led you, teammate) *with a signature on each endorse;

4. Motivational video (why is important for you to be a leader of AiR, what drives you to be on this position and where do you want to take AiR as MC VP) *max 3 minutes. Video should be in English.

5. Biography (a one-page description of who you are. Maximum 1 page).

6. Attach the test results (16 personalities and Belbin Teamroles);

7. Blank Paper Challenge (what will you stand for AIESEC in Russia. Maximum 1 page)

8.Ethics clearance: a letter provided by the ESC of your Home Entity and all the Entities you've been working (in stating you have no opened or lost ethics case) in pdf file.

9. Contact list of leaders you were working with (min 2 people) 10.Picture: 1 picture of you in jpeg / png format (For announcements)

The whole application has to be sent in google folder format

Send it to,, with subject [MCVP Application | Name Surname].

DDL: 09.02 23:59 GMT +3

Applications sent after deadline will not be accepted

Who can apply? Any active AIESEC member with completed EB or MC experience from any national or local committee in the world can apply for the MC position in AIESEC in Russia.

*LCP Experience is necessarily for OD role.

The role and responsibilities of MCVP

1. Represent AIESEC in Russia at International conferences and to all our stakeholders (Government, business, NGO's, media, universities, etc.)

2. Building up mutual benefit relationships between AIESEC in Russia and other entities

Planning & Review

1.Setting the national focus areas

2. Set the strategic direction for AIESEC in Russia

3. Developing national plan

4. Developing functional & individual plan for your area

LCs Mentoring

1. Support LCs in planning activities

2. Follow up on LCs performance in different areas

3. LC to MC alignment

4. MC to LC communication

5. LC visits, attend and support in holding big LC events

6. Consultancy for LC's general Issues

Functional Work

1. Strategy development and implementation

2. Commission and Network Management

3. Innovations and optimisation of work

4. Synergy helding

Information management
  1. Recording GCPs (Good Case Practice) of the country

2. Gathering GCPs from other countries

3. Transition guidelines (MC and LC level)

4. Tracking and saving all the files and materials used

5. Managing files and archives of the MC

6. Annual report

Team Activities

1. Take a part in team activities

2. Create team spaces

3. Live it fully!

The role and responsibilities of MCVP
Agenda management
  1. Overall responsible for the conference agenda

2. Define with MC team the conference objectives

3. Gather inputs from MC team (especially MC VP TM and MC VP OD&Expansion) for sessions of the Conference and consulting the LCs on these matters

4. Follow up on the Track managers in coordination the FACI (meetings, session outlines)

Conference Management
  1. Coordinate between MC, Chair, Faci and CC

2. Support the CC in building the conference

3. The MC link with the CC

4. Coordinate with CC on the logistical needs

5. FACI selection (application process, interview, selection)

6. Tracking of Agenda Manager

7. Choosing with the MC a proper chair for the conference

8. Building up the conference timeline and ensure follow-up

9. Gathering and compiling conference output and ensuring

Conference Facilitation

Developing session outlines and delivering functional content related to a specific department and general AIESEC in Russia trends

MC Experience Conditions

MC Experience Benefits

  • The MC office is located in Saint-Petersburg, you should participate physically

  • The working hours from 10:00 to 18:00. Be aware that Russia have a lot time zones and many calls with LC's will be possible to held only after 18:00. Official weekends - Saturday and Sunday expect preparation of national conferences and touchpoints.

  • Holidays / days off. Official Russian holidays are weekends (if there are no national touchpoints). In case you need to take additional day off or go to your home city you need to warn MCP in advanced and delegate your functional work to another MC member. (no more than 2 days in a row). Sick leave is granted for a maximum of 7 days (you need to find your replacement).

  • MC Salary. MC members will receive a monthly compensation for living expenses of 25 000 RUB. It's enough to cover basic costs (food, transport).

  • Accomodation. The city of residence will be St. Petersburg. Accommodation in MC flat is covered. Be aware that it is needed to share a room with someone. Before you apply, be sure you agree with this scenario.

MC Experience Duties

  • MC Experience is a full-time job. Each MC member is expected to work at least 40 hours per week.

  • Working time is Monday to Friday, weekends are free (except of conferences and other representative duties) and national holidays; Further adjustments may be made based on the needs of the term

  • The MC term officially starts from the 1st of July 2025 till the 1th of July 2026 which is a total period of 12 months. *can be changed, because of Global timeline, but not so crutial (less than 4 weeks more)

  • Each MC Member must be available for transition from the moment you are elected (March), after that be ready to share your JD with current MC member for practical experience.

  • Physical presence in Saint-Petersburg is required from 1th of June 2025 for the whole team; Accomodation for that period will be provided.

  • MC2MC transition will be from 5 to 7 May 2025 (online) and continue 10-11th of May offline, each MCe members should participate offline.

  • MC members must participate in the RusCo conference in April (from 17-20 of April, Tyumen).
General Questions
  1. Introduce yourself (name, contact information, values and milestones, that shaped you). What inspires you to apply for the MC team? Why is this your first priority as the next opportunity in your life?
  2. Present your previous AIESEC roles and select the three most defining ones. What were moments where you truly lived up to the AIESEC way? When did you not? Mention what you learned through your failures and how it helped you develop into the AIESECer you are today.
  3. List all functional priorities. Explain your top 3 functional priorities in case what do you want to take out of this experience? What will be your unique contribution to your priority role?
  4. What unique opportunities and challenges will AIESEC face in the next 3 years? What will remember about the 25.26 term? What will AIESEC in Russia be at the end of the MC 25.26 term?
  5. What is your leadership style and principles? How can you capitalize on them during the MCVP term? What are your weaknesses and how will you manage it? Which support from MCP and a team do you expect to boost your personal growth?
  6. What will be 3 focuses and metrics of the AiR roadmap and how it will be aligned with A2030?
Organizational development & Expansions
  1. Create a Roadmap for 3 years of OD department, what will be 3 main focuses. What will be the 3 main projects and the role of your term?
  2. Analyze the current state of all OD processes (design, achieve, network, lc mgmt, knowledge) offer tactics to improve it, offer at least 1 tactic from other entity
  3. What cluster AIESEC in Russia have now on a global level? What cluster should be in the next term? How will we grow in clusters based on the global OD model? What is the role of the OD model for LCs? Analyze the current state of OD in LCs for the past 3 terms. What tendencies do you see and why? Compare 2 LCs (that in different clusters) OD current state and propose ideas for them how to grow in clusters.
  4. Analyse statistics of LC GA for the previous 3 terms. What tendencies do you see? What do you think influenced it? What tactics would you propose to boost LC GA in term 25.26?
  5. Analyze the timeline of the opening of the Local Committee. Suggest options for improving the timeline and criterias.
  6. Create crisis-plan to prevent LC of closing. What services should be provided? How you as MCVP OD&Expansion can reveal LCs in risk-zones?
Talent Management
  1. Make a SWOT analysis of the last 2 terms (membership culture and capacity and network management) and drive conclusions of the main GCPs to take forward & BCPs to improve on for the next term.
  2. Evaluate the current state of the membership retention in AiR. Through the analysis of the national Retention Rate since 2021, identify the main bottlenecks of TM in the entity and give at least 3 main suggestions for improvement.
  3. Create a roadmap for 3 years of TM department, what will be 3 main focuses. What will be the 3 main projects and the role of your term?
  4. How you can influence the MATG through your work with the network, what services will you provide, what messages you will drive in each month of WP?
  5. Create a profiling system for AIESEC in Russia membership that reflects the ideal membership profile for the term 25.26.
  6. As the responsible for talent management, How will you ensure that all of our membership are leaving intensive and impactful experiences? What are your strategies and concrete action steps?

  1. What is budget management? Create a tracking system to manage financial current state of MC buudget and AIESEC in Russia.
  2. Create SWOT analysis of the external legal current state of AiR in the last 3 years. What tendencies do you see, how we can improve our state?
  3. How can we improve our internal and external legality in AiR and AIESEC Global from MC and LC part?
  4. Make a budget for the term 25.26
  5. Name TOP-3 tactics how we can increase profitability of LCs in each cluster existed in OD model
  6. Create timeline for a peak with all F&L processes (external+internal)
Outgoing Global Talent|Teacher
  1. Analyze OGT funnel, what is our growth area in it? How will you work on these stages? Name 3 ideas for each stage.
  2. What processes do you think should be optimised to speed up the approving process?
  3. How will you build the process of re-approving EPs? What will be role of oGT and MKT in that proccess, list tactics for each side.
  4. Analyse competitors of OGT products. How can we upgrade our CX to be the 1st priority of youth in international internships? Name 5 tactics.
  5. How will you build relationships with partners to be a priority for the iGT side? What will be your priority list of IR, why you choose them. How you can work toward increasing your processes (slots, process time).
  6. Analyse Local Perspective of oGT operations. What are the main bottlenecks preventing different LCs from achieving and overachieving their goals? Please, come up with 3 action steps per 3 LCs which will be in different current state (just opened GT, have 20% GA, have 70%+ GA) on how we can boost their performance
Outgoing Global Volunteer
  1. Create a roadmap for 3 years of oGV department, what will be 3 main focuses. What will be the 3 main projects and the role of your term?
  2. Analyze the statistics for the terms (20.21, 21.22, 24.25) in oGV product. What do you see as the bottlenecks? Offer at least 3 solutions that will help us make bigger results.
  3. Analyse competitors of OGV products. How can we upgrade our CX to be the 1st priority of youth in international internships? Name 5 tactics.
  4. What are the Key Global and Regional players in (GV) exchange operations? What is our place as AIESEC in Russia in the regional and global plenary? Choose three entities per Region that AIESEC in Russia should boost operations within the upcoming mc term.
  5. Analyse Local Perspective of oGV operations. What are the main bottlenecks preventing different LCs from achieving and overachieving their goals? Please, come up with 3 action steps per 3 LCs which will be in different current states (just opened GV, have 20% GA, have 70%+ GA) on how we can boost their performance.
  6. How we can re-focus entity toward oGV? Make a plan of OGV opening in each LC in the next MC term, how you will manage commission, and your EST structure to support you in achieving your goals.
EwA & RV
  1. Create a roadmap for 3 years of RV department, what will be 3 main focuses. What will be the 3 main projects and the role of your term?
  2. Name the Profile of all stakeholders (interns, companies, speakers) for the RV project. What is Unique value proposition for each stakeholder?
  3. Select the top 3 regions with AIESEC and top 3 regions without AIESEC that are strategically relevant for RV projects and partnerships. Argument your choice
  4. What can we do to attract people on GV before,during,after the project? Mention at least 5 tactics for each stage
  5. Create a business model of autumn forum. Name 5 national RV projects for the WP.26
  6. How can we grow 1,5 times in all our metrics connected with the national forum?

  1. Create an investment plan for a month based on a budget 50 000. What will be initiatives, what will be price of each of it, what outcome will give each investment
  2. Make ranking of channels national and local separately which brings us APDs, PAIDs in each product. What will be priority channels for next peak, how we should build the work to have 100+ SU each month, suggest at least 5 tactics.
  3. Currently CTR (click rate) of our social media and other channels is 1%, our goal is to increase it to 10%. Suggest solutions on how to do that.
  4. What are our main competitors in products? Make a competitor analysis and present the results that can be useful in building our attraction strategy: what we should capitalize on? (tool)
  5. Evaluate PR current state in the entity for the last year. How do customers see our brand now? What are the tactics to improve our brand and make it more recognisable in Russia?
  6. What EST structure will you have, what will be the MoS and JD of each position. How it will be connected with your strategy?
Business Development
  1. Analyze BD national funnel, what is our growth area in it? How will you work on these stages? Name 3 ideas for each stage.
  2. Evaluate our current brand positioning for our BD portfolio. Describe how you want to position AIESEC as a brand for companies and suggest at least three concrete ideas on how the positioning can be achieved.
  3. How we should review value-proposition of our forum for partners and youth to make them more relevant
  4. Create recommendations for each LC who runs BD for them to grow in 1,5 time
  5. Create a partner management strategy to deeply integrate Alumni into BD sales initiatives. How will you reach this strong board, and what measurable outcomes do you aim to achieve within the next year as a result of this integration?
  6. How to attract companies and convert them into new partners through B2B Marketing activities?
  • MC team
    Serafima Sedyakina - MCP (@seeusoonxo)
    Diana Zhukovskaya - MC VP Finance&EwA (@litt_di)
    Melnichenko Arina - MC VP TM&Expansion (@arimel28)
    Diana Dobrodeeva - MCVP RV (@didobrodeeva)
    Liya Verenchuk - MCVP oGT (@li_i_ya22)
    Tamila Kholmatova - MCVP MKT&OD (@xo_tami)
    Alyona Yuryeva - MCVP BD&oGV (@alyoniiy)
  • LCPs 24.25
    Akrami Anushervonkhoni - SPUEF (@itzshervon)
    Anastasia Leonova - Rostov-on-Don (@leananastya)
    Anastasia Pleshakova - Tyumen (@ensomhett)
    Anastasia Lipkovskaya - ENGEC-GUAP (@limp_ochka)
    Alina Muhtasipova - Ufa (@bbb131v)
    Drozdova Natalia - Moscow (@netesssh)
    Parshina Sonia - Voronezh (@s_sp_sp_s)
    Stalmakova Julia - Ekaterinburg (@stalmakova00)

    LCPs 25.26
    Valia Plotnikova - SPUEF (@Valki_ria)
    Anna Sulimova - ENGEC-GUAP (@anya_sulimovaa)
    Anzhela Devletbieva - Moscow (@Angeliki_8)
    Angelina Sukhareva - Tyumen (@dreamange)
    Arseniy Kalachyov - Voronezh (@sunsenii)
    Zarina Ibragimova - Ufa (@zibratavr)
    Ekaterina Klimantovich- Ekaterinburg (@klimantovichek)
    Dariia Gaevskaia - Rostov-on-Don (@imdoraaa)

  • Applicants chat
Feel it to achieve ~ Achieve to feel it
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